Volunteer & Take Action
Gifts to The Oscar Hammerstein Museum & Theatre Education Center are tax deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law. The Oscar Hammerstein Museum & Theatre Education Center is a registered nonprofit with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Bureau of Charitable Organizations.
Make a Donation:
Corporate Donors:
Please contact us to discuss a variety of donation and naming opportunities. Please email hammersteinmuseum@gmail.com
Join the Board
We are looking for individuals with skills in a variety of areas to serve on the OHMTEC working board of directors. Particular needs are in the areas of fundraising, accounting, website management, graphic design, volunteer coordination and property management. If you'd like to learn more or be considered for a board position, please fill out our board application.
Give Your Time:
We are looking for individuals from the community who have passions and experiences that align with the nonprofit's mission. Contact us for volunteer opportunities.
Attend a "FRIENDS OF HAMMERSTEIN" meeting. The "Friends of Hammerstein" is a dedicated club of volunteers who meet once a month to support the Oscar Hammerstein Museum and Theatre Education Center. Register for Our Next Meeting